Prayer for Canonisation
Lord Jesus, You clothed Your Servant, Mother Marie Adele GARNIER
with the virtues of Your Sacred Heart,
You kindled within her its fire,
You imprinted on her the image of Your Goodness,
You called her to close Union with Your Eucharistic Heart,
You made her enter fully into the Mystery of Your Redemption,
By consecrating her with the grace of the Interior Priesthood,
Through total self sacrifice for the fidelity and sanctification of priests
and by abandoning herself entirely to Your Divine Will,
in all things for the glory of the Holy Trinity.
We beseech You to choose her among the saints of heaven
so that she may lead many souls to praise and glorify
Your Holy NAME for ever. AMEN.
If you have received any favour or grace, either material or spiritual, through the intercession of Mother Marie Adèle Garnier, kindly inform: Mother General, Tyburn Convent, 8 Hyde Park Place, London W2 2LJ.
Tel.: + 44 (0) 20 7723 7262 or Contact Us.
Imp. Joseph de Metz-Noblat, Bishop, Langres, France
1 January 2018