Vocation, do you feel you have a calling....
Do you feel you have a calling? Our monastic vocation is a divine call to set out on a spiritual journey which leads away from self and takes us to the Heart of God. It is tested and proved by the fruit of our love for one another. We live a life that is -
St Benedict wrote his Rule for those who want to put the love of Jesus Christ at the very centre of their life. So we, the Benedictine Adorers of the Sacred Heart seek before everything else to love Jesus, the Son of God, with all our heart and to share this immense love with all our Sisters in our religious family and with all who come to our monasteries. To prefer nothing to the love of Christ. RB Ch IV
The love of Jesus burns for us day and night in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. There He waits for us. There He draws us into His Sacrifice uniting us to the Father. There He intercedes unceasingly to the Father for us. By our perpetual adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist we join Him in His redemptive work and receive His own Spirit of love.
The silence of Jesus in the Eucharist draws us to the prayer of contemplation where we worship the Holy Trinity and are filled with unending wonder at the great mysteries revealed to us by the Father through His Son Jesus in His Spirit.
Our prayer of contemplation overflows into a continual song of praise. So we come together seven times a day to sing God's praises in the Psalms and Canticles and Hymns of the Holy Scriptures. In gladness of heart we return God's love.
We now invite you to listen to some of our Sisters as they tell their story of their vocation at different stages of their journey to God. If you feel that God may be calling you we invite you to complete the form below and get in touch with us.