Retreats at Tyburn Convent
"You will come and pray to Me and I will hear you, says the Lord.”
It was the intention of Mother Marie Adèle Garnier our Foundress (Mother Mary of St Peter), that our works should be the overflow of our contemplation, for, as she said quoting St Thomas, “It is better to enlighten than to be merely a light, and it is a more noble kind of life to share with others what one has contemplated than to confine oneself to contemplation alone.”
Retreats at Tyburn are Private i.e. not preached or directed.
We make available to women, and occasionally men, an opportunity to share the spiritual riches of our monastic liturgical and Eucharistic life.
Our day is structured around Holy Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours and Eucharistic Adoration, this provides an excellent structure for a retreat.
HOLY MASS 7.30 am (Mon - Fri), 9.00 am (Sat & Sun)
Nocturns 5.30 am
Lauds 7.00 am
Terce 9.15 am (Mon - Fri ), 8.50 am (Sat & Sun)
Sext 12.10 pm
None 3.15 pm
Vespers 4.30 pm
Compline 7.50 pm
First Friday - Mass and prayers for priests: 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm
You are also welcome to share in the Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament by day and by night.
Retreatants are under no obligation to attend any of the above but if they are seriously desiring to make a fruitful retreat we recommend that they participate in part of it.
We have single rooms set apart for retreatants in the outer enclosure of the monastery.
Meals are served in the guests’ dining room
Breakfast 8.30 am
Lunch 12.30 pm
Supper 6.30 pm
and there are facilities to make light snacks or drinks between these times if necessary. There is a small library with good religious books, and a small patio garden (when the weather permits).
We have facilities for groups who may wish to make a day of Private retreat or Recollection.
Tyburn is the national shrine of the Martyrs of England and Wales, a Sister is available once a day to give a guided tour of the Crypt of the Martyrs.
For more information, please contact us.