Adorers of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
(Tyburn Monks)
Holy Mass in the Martyrs' Crypt
Site of the future monastery of the Adorers of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus |
A Vocation within a Vocationby Rev Fr Hector F. Nagles Santa We are Fathers Manuel T. Agudelo Marin and Hector F. Nagles Santa, diocesan priests. We have felt called by God to live in greater intimacy with Him, through adoration and reparation of the Eucharist. Divine providence has brought us closer to the charism of the sisters of the Adorers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Montmartre, Order of St. Benedict, and the charism that their foundress, Mother Adele Garnier, lived throughout her life. After a fairly long process of discernment, and a year of postulancy, we had the joy of receiving the Benedictine habit from the hands of Rev. Mother General, Mother Marilla OSB, to begin our novitiate on 3 October 2019. Father Manuel received the religious name of Father Benedict Mary of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and Father Hector was named Father Bernard Mary of the Sacred Heart. We are drinking of the doctrine and spirit; which Mother Foundress has left embodied in many of her writings and documents. It has made us more in love with this beautiful and special charism. After a few months’ formation at Tyburn Convent, we will return to our country Colombia to continue our journey. In Colombia, we do not have a monastery, we only have a plot of land for its construction. We place our hope in Divine Providence, and in St. Joseph, whose name the future monastery will bear. May it be them who move souls and hearts to help us with their prayers and material aid, to build him a beautiful sanctuary, a throne for our Lord, where the Blessed Sacrament will be seated, and there we will worship Him and make reparation for so many sins and offenses that are committed daily against his adorable Eucharistic presence. Help us to make this work a reality for the Most Holy Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, who gave Himself on the Cross for humanity and continues to give Himself up in the Eucharist. May He remain with us in the tabernacle and in the monstrance, to accompany us, and to give us his immense love and mercy. Introducing the First Tyburn Monks Tyburn Nuns' surprising new community: meet the Tyburn Monks We place our hope in Divine Providence Una Vocacion dentro de la Vocacion Homily - admission to the Novitiate on 03.10.2019 by Very Rev Mother Marilla - English Homily - admision a Noviciado 03.10.2019 - Spanish For more information please visit their website.
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