Prayer for Priests
Given by Marie Adèle Garnier to her spiritual Daughters
O my Divine Jesus, You are not only the Supreme Pastor but also the Life of the Pastors of Holy Church, breathe again upon the soul of each of them as You did upon Your Apostles. Renew in them all the gifts and graces that you lavished on their souls on the day of their Ordination. Make their hearts unsullied tabernacles where Your Spirit of Love may ever dwell. Illumine their minds with the light of Your Divine word, that they may be able to illumine those who sit in darkness, and to guide into the right path the souls confided to their care. Strengthen their whole being by Your Divine Power that they may conquer all their foes, seen and unseen. Beloved Jesus, gentle, patient Lamb of God, make their life like the life You led on earth. Divine Spirit, influence their every thought, word and action; take possession of their minds and hearts so that they live in You and You live in them. Holy Mary, defend and protect them, each and all, under your mantle. Keep them close to you until Jesus calls them to the reward He has prepared for them in eternity. Amen. - 40 days Indulgence, Peter, Bishop of Clermont |