Marie Adèle Garnier's Christmas Prayer
We come to adore you, O Christ,
in this Royal Epiphany which gathers
at your feet all the Nations of the earth,
we hasten in the steps of the Magi,
for we also have seen the STAR
and we have come running.
Glory to You, O our King, King of Wisdom, of Power
and above all, KING of LOVE!
It is to You that the STAR of our Vocation has led us to
adore You on your Eucharistic throne, in this Divine
Sacrament, Memorial of Your Birth, of Your Childhood,
of Your Life, of Your Passion, of Your Death,
and of Your Resurrection, as well as of Your glorious
Ascension. There in this mysterious and living heritage,
we truly have all the treasures of Bethlehem, of Nazareth,
of Gethsemane and of Calvary.
Grant us therefore, O Divine King, to esteem these
priceless riches that You have deigned to call us to
possess, so that we may make them fruitful,
through union with your most Sacred Heart,
to the glory of the Most HOLY TRINITY.
Mary, Mother of Jesus and Queen of the Nations
receive us in the goodness of your most holy Heart,
As you received the joyous Magi Kings,
and as they were, prepare us to make known and to carry
the Name and the Love of the Lord Jesus
wherever it would please HIM to send us.
Saint Joseph, obtain for us your fidelity
to grace and your profound humility.
For all the Nations of the earth, we adore You, O Lord!
For all the Nations of the earth, we give you thanks, O Lord!
For all the Nations of the earth, we make
reparation and due amends to You, O Lord!
For all the Nations of the earth, we implore Your mercy,
Your grace and Your blessings, O Lord!
A M E N !