Tyburn Association of Adoration
“So, could you not watch with Me one hour?” (Matt 26:40)
Become a member of the Tyburn Association of Adoration and
share in the Perpetual Adoration of the Nuns.
All night vigils – Adoration in turns throughout the night
Men’s Nights and Women’s Nights
(Men's Nights: 1st Friday and every Saturday)
Application for Membership - Applicants should apply to Tyburn Convent. The completed application forms will be sent to the Vigilants' Director who has charge of arranging the watching.
Meetings - Reunions. Twice a year a meeting is held at Tyburn for the watchers to meet one another. All new members are urged to attend. A Day of Recollection is held once a year, usually in June.
Day Adoration - If you wish to become a member of the Tyburn Association of Adoration but are unable to share in the night vigils, please contact us, and we will arrange for you to share in the adoration by day.
Church is open to the public from 6.30 am to 8.30 pm and at night by arrangement.
"The Church and the world have a great need of Eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith and ready to make reparation for the great faults and crimes of the world by our adoration never cease." - Pope St John Paul II
"Communion only reaches its true depths when it is supported and surrounded by adoration." - Pope Benedict XVI
“How good it is for us to contemplate and adore Jesus in the Cenacle, in the Garden, on Calvary on the Cross. In the Eucharist He is always really in the state in which we are gazing on Him in faith, although this manner of being there may be mystical and immutable, and not subject to change as in His mortal life. His unique state in the Eucharist contains in itself all His divine states and He is there, the living Jesus, for us an inexhaustible source of contemplation and actual adoration.”
- Mother Marie Adèle Garnier
Tyburn Association of Adoration History and Statues
Tyburn Association of Adoration Golden Jubilee, 27 September 2016 photos
For more information please Contact Us.