Information for the Cause for Canonisation of the Servant of God Mother Marie Adèle Garnier
Mother Marie Adèle Garnier (1838-1924) Foundress of the Adorers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Montmartre, Order of Saint Benedict |
Date of Birth: Feast of the Assumption, 15 August 1838. Place of Birth: Grancey - le - Château, Burgundy, France. Baptism: 12 September 1838. First Confession: 18 May 1850. First Communion: 19 May 1850. Confirmation: 20 May 1850.
In the Footsteps of Marie Adèle Pilgrimage Photos Servant_of_God_MAG_Information_for_Cause_for_Canonisation.pdf |
First Ecclesial approbation of her Religious Institute by His Eminence, Cardinal Richard, Archbishop of Paris, 04 March 1898 MONTMARTRE, Paris, FRANCE.
Forced out of France by the Law of Associations, September 1901.
Founded Tyburn Convent, London, England, with approval of the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, His Eminence, Cardinal Vaughan, 06 March 1903
Died at Tyburn Convent, on 17 June 1924.
Today the Religious Congregation she founded has monasteries in England, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and France.
MARIE ADELE's Cause for Canonisation has not been introduced earlier, even though her death occurred in 1924, because, as she prayed for the grace of poverty for her Congregation our Institute has always lacked the financial means to embark upon this costly process. But, in more recent times, on account of the increasing widespread fame of her holiness and her powerful intercession in obtaining both spiritual and temporal favours in response to prayers through her intercession, we firmly believe that the time has come to go forward with her Cause for Canonisation.
Other motives for this are the evidence we have accumulated that:
a) Testimonies of lay persons, priests, religious, bishops, theologians at the time of her death (including Blessed Columba Marmion, OSB and His Eminence Cardinal Désire - Joseph Mercier of Malines, Belgium) express their great conviction of her high sanctity, her constant and enduring practice of heroic virtue both as well as the Theological Virtues of faith, hope and charity, also that of the four Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance, and specially the moral virtues of obedience, humility, patience, purity, poverty. In particular, her outstanding virtue was her constant practice of the virtue of religion expressed in her spirit of prayer and her total self-abandonment to every manifestation of the Divine will in her regard.
b) There is abundant evidence that Marie-Adèle Garnier exercised a religious and doctrinal influence around her, rooted in her profound and rich mystical life of prayer - an influence that was ecclesial and 'universal'. Because her contemplative prayer was the fruit of her liturgical and sacramental religious life especially centred on the Eucharist, she is a model for all who seek to be drawn more deeply into sharing this central mystery of our faith. She called the Holy Mass 'the SUN of my Life'.
c) From the time of her death in 1924 -until today, there has been no doubt that one day Marie Adèle Garnier would be canonised by Holy Mother Church and the constantly increasing number of testimonies from those seeking her intercession in every conceivable human need, coupled with a similar constant increase of thanksgiving attributed to her intercession for favours granted through her intercession is a phenomenon that cannot be set aside. Since the advent of the Internet communications, these testimonies have multiplied enormously from almost every country in the world.
In addition to extraordinary favours of restoration to health, in recent times Bishops have preached on aspects of her heroic sanctity and mysticism.
Theologians are studying her life to obtain degrees in Spiritual Theology, giving Marie Adèle Study Days to interested groups of Christ's Faithful on her sanctity and mysticism. There is a growing interest in researching her spiritual relationship with Blessed Columba Marmion, who had been her Spiritual director for the last thirteen years of his life. Catholic educational Centres and Retreat Centres are being named after her, and even a street has been named in her honour in Peru.
MARIE ADÈLE GARNIER was graced by God and given an unusual mission which is characterised by three aspects. These are:
a) A MARIAN Grace and Mission: this had a particular manifestation in her unsought yet intimate role in the extraordinary Apparition of Our Blessed Lady at Pontmain. The Mission of Pontmain began as a mission of Peace and Hope, then of Prayer and Penitence, then of Unity and especially Ecumenical ecclesial UNITY. This is also Marie Adèle's Grace and Mission.
b) A CHRISTOLOGICAL Grace and Mission: As Pontmain presaged the Grace and Mission of Montmartre, so also MARIE ADÈLE GARNIER was Divinely Called to enter into, to personify and to live out in her own life the Grace and Mission of Montmartre. As one of her biographers writes, -
Marie-Adèle GARNIER is a figure still too little known in the Catholic community - and she is the tireless defender of the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and is the custodian, guardian of a very important Divine revelation:
“HE told me that HE willed that His EUCHARISTIC HEART should be the object of Adoration on the heights of Montmartre and that the BLESSED SACRAMENT was to be exposed night and day in that place."
(AASH-H-15D-004, MAG, letter to Abbé Courtois.)
c) The mystery of Christian MARTYRDOM, is inherent in MONTMARTRE, but the blood of the TYBURN MARTYRS in LONDON, England, who while yet still alive, had their HEARTS torn from their breasts for the LOVE of JESUS, for the LOVE of the SACRIFICE of the HOLY MASS, and for the UNITY of the CHURCH, was also the final grace of sacrificial LOVE that MARIE ADÈLE GARNIER lived out during the last twenty-three years of her life to save and preserve for HOLY CHURCH the little Religious Community God had called her to found on the Hill of Montmartre, in France. The suffering manner of life and her sacrificial death did not escape the eye of the Church, for one of the most eminent Cardinals at the time of her Passover from this mortal life proclaimed to her religious community that she MARIE ADÈLE GARNIER was indeed, "the LAST TYBURN MARTYR", as well as writing to her Assistant General the following words -
"Your dear and venerated Mother General has then left us for heaven ...
I have always considered her as a True Saint. All the sufferings of her long martyrdom will have purified her absolutely, and will have opened to her without delay the entrance 'in gaudium Domini Sui.'
She was a Saint, in all the strength and meaning of the term, that Mother whom you have had the grief to lose and who you have the mission to replace. From the height of Heaven she will watch over you, and be your advocate: you cannot doubt it!"
(Foundress of Tyburn Convent, Dom BEDE Camm, OSB p.164)
(These are the words of His Eminence, CARDINAL DÉSIRE-JOSEPH MERCIER, MALINES, BELGICA.)
Mother M. Xavier OSB, (Assistant General)
Tyburn Convent, 8 Hyde Park Place,London, W2 2LJ, England
Donations towards Mother Marie Adele Garnier's cause for beatification and canonisation are most welcome here. Thank you. May God bless you.